International School of Helsingborg
Information about our song
The song ”This Land is your Land ” was written by Woody Guthrie in 1940. The song is about America and how the country is a place for everyone. In the year 2000 the Swedish singer and composer Mikael Wiehe took the song and applied it to Sweden instead and called it ”Det här är ditt land”. The reason behind it being that racism was a growing problem in Sweden at the time, and Mikael Wiehe is known for being a strong believer in freedom for all people. Together with a large number of Swedish artists he performed with this song during a fundraiser against racism.
We have chosen the song because we think it connects well with current events in our world today.
In our school we come from all over the world and we think it’s important that we all feel that Sweden is our country.
Translation of the song;
This land is my land
This land is your land
From the rocks of Ale
To the north of Lappland
From the cliffs of Bohus
To the rauks of Gotland
This land belongs to you and me
With dark forests
and red cottages
With white birches
and high pinetrees
With fields and croplands
and dockyards and mines
This land belongs to you and me
With rocks and islets
and deep coastal inlets
With light meadows
and black ponds
With its blue remotely
This land belongs to you and me
This land is my land...
I traveled to the north
along the High coast
when the forests blushed
It was autumn
and the ocean sparkled
in the morning air
In the land that belongs to you and me
I was standing on the top
of Kebnekaise
and watched the sun
that never descends
Mires and mosses
Mountains and streams of water
And the land that belongs to you and me
This land is my land...
I was standing at home
when the fog cleared away
I was standing among rape fields
and clear creeks
Where the breeches are green
and the storch is breeding
In the land that belongs to you and me
It was in the evening
I was standing on the beach
under the Milkyway
and the Big Dipper
As I was holding the hand of my loved one
I said, this land belongs
to you and me
This land is my land...
Summary only...