Basque Country, Urdaneta - Let's find the magic word!
LET'S FIND THE MAGIC WORD! - Urdaneta School
Hello schoolvisioners!
Here we are again all together to participate in the best e-Twinning project ever!
Our song has been written by Ken Zazpi. It talks about love. In the song that we have chosen we have tried to link our country, school and Schoolovision.
Esaiozu euriari berriz ez jauzteko,
esan bakardadeari gaur ez etortzeko.
Eusten nauen soka zara eta itotzen nauena,
ametsak sortu zizkidana, galtzen dituena.
Zuretzat ilargia lapurtuko nuke gauero,
eta zu itsu zaude bere argia ikusteko,
irribarrez, gero minez, eragin didazu negarra,
nire sua itzali da,
ez zara gaueko izar bakarra, ez zara!!
Esan sentitzen dudana ez dela egia,
une baten sinesteko ez garen guztia.
All our students and teachers are excited about the project.
Good luck everyone!
Very good ideas!
We can really feel your enthusiasm:))
Good luck from Austria
Wonderful! It is very clear that Schoolovision brought a smile to your faces! Good luck from Malta!
What a lovely song and video!
It's obvious how much fun the kids had making this, and the message, of course, is a great one at the end!
Good luck from Scotland ☺
Mayflower loved your video! And they loved trying to work out which word was going to be spelled out at the end. Well done - wishing you lots of luck from England
Great idea to play guitar for children, we can see they love to sing and they enjoy very much making this! Good luck from Romania!
Good luck for high votes!
Bernardo Canelas,from Portugal
Weel done,everyone!
Good luck!
Catarina R, from Portugal
Very nice song and performance....Good luck....Kisses!
Well done!. Your song is exccelent
Good luck!
Cátia,From Portugal
This vídeo is very original!!!
It was very interesting to know what was the mystery word!!!!
While children make the video, they enjoy it, no??
It is a very nice video!!!
Good luck!!!
Très belle vidéo, très amusant et interéssant.
Bone chance à tous!!!
I love your video❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
It look so happy!!!
Godo luck!!!
Who is the boy that was next to a girl??
It was very happy in the finaly of the video!!!
Who is the boy that was next to a girl??
It was very happy!!!
Good luck!!
From basque country.
It Israel a beutifulll video!!!
Thanks for do it, and good luck!!!
Nice video. Catchy song! Looks like you had lots of fun making it! :D
Good Luck from Norway!
A very nice song and a great riddle which at the same time gives us a tour of your school.
Well done!
A nice song. The video idea was brilliant. Good word and work!
/pupils from the Åland Islands
Great video, we loved the idea with the schoolovision letters.
Good song and video, we love it!
Good luck from France
Una canción increible y unos cantantes inmejorables.
Buena suerte chicos os lo merecéis.
Sorte ona izan lan ona egin duzue eta.
The students said...
The filming was good and the children were
nicely dressed up. We love what they did with
the letters.
Good luck from Sweden:)
Dear Rosa,
I loved your video.
Your students are extremely happy and the spelling idea is great!
Good luck from Portugal!
We thought you've got a good song with interesting music.
The guitar is great too and we loved all of the letters!
Well done from Wales!!
Student comments:
Your song is very happy and good. We liked the guitar music. We loved the letters and the emojis!
Good luck from Ireland!
Gracias a todos por vuestros animos. ¡¡¡¡Gracias por todo desde Pais Vasco!!!!
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